The final cycle of training on the project to support the enhancement of resilience through student networking

In the final year of the ERASMUS+ project „ Enhancing digital and psychological resilience through peer networking in the online environment in times of crisis – DigiPsyRes , the third cycle of training under the programme "Step by Step: from Trainees to Trainers and Peer Supporters" was realized at our faculty. In this training cycle, the trainers were the trainees who completed the programme in the previous two cycles of the project. The students and employees of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the Faculty of Pedagogy in Užice were the participants in this group. With these trainings, the activities of preparing student-trainers and student-supporters for inclusion in the network of horizontal support of students to students, which is established on the portal DigiPsyRes Resilience Peer Supportive Network are rounded off within the project.
At the A training, trainees could learn more about resilience, gain  insights into their own resilience and mental toughness, and learn stress coping skills. It was held on May 30.
Training B “Digital resilience and networking” was held on June 3. It was realized in an online mode on the digital Zoom platform, simultaneously for the group of trainees in Čačak and for the group in Kragujevac.
Training C „Horizontal psychological support in digital  network and ethical framework“, which developed the skills of supportive communication, setting boundaries, and using a support network, was held on June 7. 
The trainers were: Andjelka Stanišić (sub-programmes A and C), Jelena Bjekić (sub-programme A), Gordana Rendulić Davidović (A and C), Ana Gudurić (B), Aleksa Iričanin (B) and Dragana Peprišić (C), with the support of the project team members – teachers of our faculty, who are the designers and bearers of this project.
The results of the DigiPsyRes project will be presented to the wider academic community as part of the upcoming 10th International Scientific Conference „Technics, Informatics, and Education – TIE2024“