A workshop simulating business interviews with representatives of the Vtool company held on FTS

On Friday, February 2, 2024, students of the second year of BAS Information Technology, the first year of BPS Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Informatics and the third year of BPS IT had the opportunity to attend a workshop organized by the Department of Social and Human Sciences and held by Vtool company representatives, Miloš Grabovčić and Đorđe Karović, graduates of FTN in Čačak.
During the workshop, the students had the opportunity to hear more about the Vtool company and to find out what the recruitment procedure looks like, from sending the resume and the technical part of the interview, to the selection and interview conducted by the HR officer. The most interesting part of the workshop were the job interview simulations in English, after which the students received feedback on how successful they were.
The goal of the workshop was professional training of students to master communicative techniques in English according to the specific requirements of employers. According to the students, such opportunities are extremely important, because they prepare them for future business ventures and make them more competitive in the employment market.