Lena Tica

Dr Lena Tica
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak1

University of Kragujevac

65, Svetog Save St.

32102 Čačak

Phone:  +381 032/302-712

Fax: +381 032/342-101

Office No: 233


Lena Tica was born on October 31, 1985 in Čačak. She was awarded both her bachelor's and master's Degrees in English Language and Literature from the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, in 2009 and 2011, respectively. She completed her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, in 2022 and obtained the title of PhD in Philology. Since October 2009, she has been employed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, first as an associate at the Department of Social sciences and Humanities, and then from 2014, as a teaching assistant. Since April 2023, she has been working as an assistant professor (Philology-English language).

She is skilled in English as a Second Language (ESL), English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and literary studies, and interested in innovative and creative approaches to teaching and research, Anglo-American drama and contemporary literature. Since 2012, she has been a participant in numerous teaching seminars and she presented and published more than 20 research papers at international scientific conferences and high-impact journals mostly dealing with Anglo-American literature and English teaching methodology, language acquisition, communication skills, and utilization of various e-tools in ELT.

In addition to her teaching and research contributions, she has fine-tuned her practical skills in academic administration and coordination by acting as an Erasmus+ coordinator at the Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak since 2019, handling paperwork (Inter-institutional agreements, Mobility agreements) and being in constant communication with both incoming and outgoing students and staff. Her organizational/managerial skills have been honed by being a member of organizing committees, proofreader and interpreter at the conferences organized at the Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak (international scientific conference Technics and Informatics in Education - TIE 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and international scientific conference Learning in Virtual Communities – LVC).


Scholarly publications, journals, peer-reviewed

1. Тица, Л. (2014). Постмодерни флерт са историјом и идеологијом у Историји света у 10 1/2 поглавља Џулијана Барнса. У: Д. Бошковић (ур.), Филологије vs идеологије, стр. 133-146. Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет. ISBN 978-86-85991-67-7 УДК 821.111-31.09 Barnes J. Filologije_VS_Ideologije.pdf (kg.ac.rs)

2. Bojović, M., Palurović, L., Tica, L. (2015). Communication Skills in Engineering Professions: Communicative Language Ability in Foreign Languages. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(1B), 377-383. ISSN 0949-149X 00b_Contents 1..2 (ijee.ie)

3. Tica, L. (2015). Istražni diskurs, istina i fikcija u Floberovom papagaju Džulijana Barnsa. In: V. Lopičić, B. Mišić Ilić (ed.), Jezik, književnost, diskurs – književna istraživanja, pp. 339-350. Niš: Filozofski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-7379-368-9 COBISS.SR-ID 214564108 УДК 821.111.09-31 Barns Dž.

4. Tица, Л. (2016). Хуманизам, цивилизација и колонизација у драмама Краљевски Лов на Сунце Питера Шафера и Дивљаци Кристофера Хамптона. Липар, бр. 59, стр. 75-98. Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу. ISSN 1450-8338 УДК 821.111.-2.09 Шафер П. 821.134.3-2.09 Хамптон К lipar 59 stampa.75-98.pdf - Google Drive

5. Тица, Л. (2017). Идеолошко митотворство у драми Нила Лабјута Ифигенија у Орему. Наслеђе: часопис за књижевност, језик, уметност и културу, 36, стр. 197-211. Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет. ISSN 1820-1768 УДК 821.111(73)-2.09 LaBute N. 1820-17681736197T.pdf (ceon.rs)

6. Палуровић, Л., Тица, Л. (2020). Историја света у 10 ½ поглавља Џулијана Барнса у контексту постмодерних теорија о неухватљивости прошлости. У: В. Лопичић и Б. Мишић Илић (ур.), Језик, књижевност, контекст – књижевна истраживања, тематски зборник радова са конференције Језик, књижевност, контекст, стр. 545–558. Ниш: Филозофски факултет. ISBN 978-86-7379-526-3, COBISS.SR-ID 17218569 UDK 821.111.09-31 Барнс Џ.

7. Tica, L. (2021). Trauma and testimony in Athol Fugard’s Playland. Липар, бр. 76, стр. 93-110. Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу. ISSN 1450-8338 УДК 811.111(680)-2.09 Fugard A. / DOI 10.46793/LIPAR76.093T 93-110.pdf (kg.ac.rs)

8. Тица, Л., Палуровић, Л. (2022). Алтернативни свет у драмама Атола Фугарда. У: В. Лопичић и Б. Мишић Илић (ур.), Језик, књижевност, алтернативе / Language , Literature, Alternatives – књижевна истраживања, тематски зборник радова са конференције Језик, књижевност, алтернативе, стр. 421-435. Ниш: Филозофски факултет. ISBN 978-86-7379-590-4 COBISS.SR-ID 65422857 УДК 821.111(680).09-2 Fugard A 

9. Lena Tica, Ivana Krsmanović, Athol Fugard's Sorrows and Rejoicings: the Nostalgia of an exile, Аnnual review of the Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, 2023, vol. 3, br. 48 str. 355-367. (10.19090/gff.v48i3.2392, ISNN 0374-0730[М51]

10. Tica, L., Krsmanović, I. (2024). Overcoming the Writer’s Block? Exploring Students' Motivation and Perspectives on Using Chat GPT as a Writing Assistance Tool in ESP. ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 21(1), 129-149 [M23]

11. Tica, L., & Krsmanović, I. (2024). ENHANCING BUSINESS ENGLISH TEACHING: EXPLORING ENGINEERING STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES ON PADLET IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES. Journal on Emerging Topics in Industrial Engineering,  ISSN: 2960-5407 (Online). https://doi.org/10.21428/92f19a8b.6139f655 

Scholarly publications, conferences, peer-reviewed 

1. Тица, Л. (2014). Приступи женским ликовима у Отелу од елизабетанског доба до данас. У: Савремена проучавања језика и књижевности: зборник радова са V Научног скупа младих филолога Србије, Књига II, стр. 449-459. Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет ISBN 978-86-85991-61-5 УДК 821.111-21.09 Shakespeare W.

2. Palurović, L., Tica, L., Radović Firat, A. (2014). Teaching Technical English: Difficulties and Solutions Revisited. U: I. Milićević (ur.), Zbornik radova naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem Tehnika i informatika u obrazovanju – TIO 2014, str. 206-210. Čačak: Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Čačku. ISBN 978-86-7776-164-6 УДК 371.3316.77:811.111 Teaching technical English: difficulties and solutions revisited (kg.ac.rs)

3. Radović Firat, А., Tica, L., Palurović, L. (2014). Application of Berlitz Method in Teaching Technical English. U: I. Milićević (ur.), Zbornik radova naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem Tehnika i informatika u obrazovanju – TIO 2014, str. 211-215. Čačak: Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Čačku. ISBN 978-86-7776-164-6 УДК 371.3::[004.9:811.111] Application of Berlitz method in teaching technical English (kg.ac.rs)

4. Тица, Л. (2015). Крај приче као почетак путовања у прошлост: романи Ово личи на крај Џулијана Барнса и Уникат Милорада Павића и књижевна теорија Пред осећај краја Френка Кермода. У: Савремена проучавања језика и књижевности: зборник радова са VI Научног скупа младих филолога Србије, Књига II, стр. 135-144. Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет. ISBN 978-86-85991-73-8 УДК 821.111-31.09 Barnes J. 821.163.41-31.09 Pavić M.

5. Tica, L., Palurović, L., Radović Firat, А. (2017). Teaching ESP and Business English: main points. U: A. Veljović (ur.), Zbornik radova naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem Informacione tehnologije, obrazovanje i preduzetništvp - ITOP 17, str. 483-490. Čačak: Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Čačku. ISBN 978-86-7776-211-7 УДК 004:811.11 ITOP17 Zbornik radova Microsoft.pdf (kg.ac.rs)

6. Palurović, L., Tica, L. (2018). Language and the Internet – change or decline?. In: I. Milićević (ed.), Proceedings TIE, 2018, 7th International conference on Technics and Informatics in Education, pp. 119–123. 7th International Conference Technics and Informatics in Education (TIE 2018), Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, Serbia, 25-27 May 2018. ISBN 978-86-7776-226-1 COBISS.SR-ID 264037900 UDC: 004.738.5 

7. Tica, L., Palurović, L., Radović-Firat, A. (2019). Ways in which technology is changing ELT. In: M. Vučetić and R. Petrović (ed.), LVC Book of Abstracts, pp. 33-35. Internation al Scientific Conference Learning in Virtual Communities - LVC, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak, Serbia, 18-19 July 2019,. ISBN: 978-86-7776-239-1 COBISS.SR-ID 280529676.S2-6_TicaL.pdf (kg.ac.rs)

8. Palurović, L., Tica, L., Radović-Firat, A. (2020). Foreign Language Learning (FLL) as Influenced by Social Media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. In: I. Milićević (ed.), Proceedings TIE 2020, 8th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, pp. 88-93. 8th International Conference Technics and Informatics in Education (TIE 2020), Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 18-20 September 2020. ISBN: 978-86-7776-247-6 COBISS.SR-ID 21332489 UDC: 81-11:004.738.5 

9. Radović-Firat, A., Tica, L., Palurović, L., Radulović, M. (2020). Effects of Teaching Summary Writing Skills on Students’ Learning Process in IT field. In: I. Milićević (ed.), Proceedings TIE 2020, 8th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, pp. 104-112. 8th International Conference Technics and Informatics in Education (TIE 2020), Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 18-20 September 2020. ISBN: 978-86-7776-247-6 COBISS.SR-ID 21332489 UDC: 371:811.111 

10. Krsmanović, I., Tica, L., Đorić, B., Gojgić, N. (2022). Social Presence and Satisfaction in an ESP Context during Emergency Remote English Language Teaching. In: Proceedings CIET 2022, pp. 443-455. International Scientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Tecnology and Economy, Valencia, Spain, 16-17 June 2022, ISBN: 978-953-7220-70-9 (PDF) SOCIAL PRESENCE AND SATISFACTION IN AN ESP CONTEXT DURING EMERGENCY REMOTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (researchgate.net)

11. Krsmanović, I., Tica, L., Milošević, M., Mitrović, A. (2022). To MOOC or not to MOOC? Exploring MOOC readiness of YNSPEED project participants. In: I. Milićević (ed.), Pro ceedings TIE 2022, 9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, pp. 57-62. 9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education (TIE 2022), Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 16-18 September 2022. ISBN: 978-86-7776-262-9 COBISS.SR-ID 73144073 DOI: 10.46793/ TIE22.057K S201_49.pdf (kg.ac.rs)

12. Tica, L., Krsmanović, I. (2022). ESP educators in the post-pandemic e-environments: Teaching Presence and English for IT. In: I. Milićević (ed.), Proceedings TIE 2022 9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, pp. 399-407. 9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education (TIE 2022), Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 16-18 September 2022. ISBN: 978-86-7776-262-9 COBISS.SR-ID 73144073 DOI: 10.46793/TIE22.399T S604_61.pdf (kg.ac.rs)

13. Tica, L., Krsmanović, I. (2022). Athol Fugard’s Sorrows and Rejoicings: the Nostalgia of an Exile. In: ELALT 2022 Book of Abstracts, pp. 58. International Conference English Language and Anglophone Literatures Today – ELALT 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia, 29-30 October 2022. ISBN 978-86-6065-729-1 COBISS.SR-ID 79163401ELALT6 book of abstracts final.docx (uns.ac.rs)

14. Tica, L., Krsmanović, I. (2022). Strategies to enhance student engagement in e-learning by using the Community of Inquiry (COI) framework in ESP instruction. In: KIMC 2022 Book of Abstracts, pp. 55. 2nd Kotor International Maritime Conference - KIMC 2022, Kotor, Montenegro, 27-30 November 2022. ISBN 978-86-7664-226-7 COBBIS.CG-ID 24264964

15. Krsmanović, I., Tica, L. (2023). ‘’That’s not a word’’: Innovation in Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Chat GPT. In Simon Zupan and Tomaž Onič (eds.). SDAŠ 2023 Book of Abstracts, pp. 18. Absolutely Gabulous: Celebrating English Studies for the 21st Century Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Maribor, 14—16 September 2023. 

Talks/Oral presentations

1. Tica, L., Krsmanovic, I., Lemper, J. Chat GPT as a double-edged sword or a game-changer: Revolution in ESL classroom, discussion. Peralta Equity conference, University of San Francisco, California, USA, 26-28 April, 2023, recording available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgNGukT6fyk 

2. Krsmanović, I., Tica,L. Chat GPT as a Self-directed Learning Tool in the ESP Classroom: Exploring Students' Attitudes and Learning Motivation. Technology-Enhanced Language Learning International Conference (TELIC2023), University of Texas Permian Basin (UTPB), Odessa, Texas, USA, 12-14 July, 2023. 

Participation in Erasmus+ projects

1. Certificate of participation in activity C1 short-term joint staff training events, YNSPEED Erasmus+ project no. 2019-3-RO01-KA205-077982 in the period 06.06.2022-10.06.2022, Timisoara, Romania

2. Certificate of online participation in Learning Teaching Training Activity "Psychological and Digital Resilience at HEIs: state-of-art - transnational workshop", DigiPsyRes Erasmus+ project no. 2021-1-RS01- KA220-HED000032204, in the period 13.07.2022-15.07.2022, Kragujevac, Serbiа

3. ENHANCING DIGITAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE THROUGH PEER NETWORKING IN THE ONLINE ENVIRONMENT IN TIMES OF CRISES – DIGIPSYRES Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions, Ref. No. 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032204 Consortium – DigiPsyRes (kg.ac.rs)

Participation in Erasmus+ and Ceepus Staff Mobility

1. Performed Staff Teaching Mobility at the University of Salerno, Italy, within Erasmus+ programme - Key Action 131 Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility between Programme Countries, from 22.5.2023 till 26.5.2023. 

2. Performed Staff Teaching Mobility within Ceepus program at College CAMPUS 02, Graz, Austria, Course taught: English for Egineering, from 8.4.2024 till 12.4.2024. 


2022   Technics and Informatics in Education TIE 2022 Conference - http://www.ftn.kg.ac.rs/konferencije/TIE2022/docs/Impresum%20TIE%202022.pdf

2024    Technics, Informatics, and Education TIE 2024 Conference - TIE 2024 (kg.ac.rs)

2024    SASE journal


English language for IT 1a and 1b (Study programme: Information technology, FALL, undergraduate)

English language for IT 2a and 2b (Study programme: Information technology, SUMMER, undergraduate)

English language for IT 3 (Study programme: Information technology, FALL, undergraduate)

English language 1a and 1b (Study programme: Engineering management, FALL, undergraduate)

English language 2a and 2b (Study programme: Engineering management, FALL, undergraduate)

Business English 3 (Study programme: Entrepreneurial management, FALL, undergraduate)

Networks and memberships

ELTA - English Language Teachers' Association

SASE - Serbian Association for the Study of English

IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

Professional development

[31/10/2023 - 2/11/2023] TCA Impact of Erasmus+ Traineeships on Higher Education, Paphos, Cyprus

[25/02/2023] Recharge your ELT batteries Conference Belgrade, Serbia

[25/03/2023] Open Winter 2023 Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in the EFL Setting, MOOC, US Department of State

[18/08/2023-21/08/2022] ACCESS, the USA Embassy language learning program, teacher training, Vrdnik, Serbia 

[02/07/2022] TESOL mini-conference Faculty of philology and arts, University of Kragujevac, Serbia 

[29/01/2022] Advanced knowledge and learning, Oxford Professional Development Webinar