Predrag Petrović

Dr Predrag Petrović
Full Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak1

University of Kragujevac

65, Svetog Save St.

32102 Čačak

Phone:  +381 032/302-748

Fax: +381 032/342-101

Office No: 227

CV Curriculum Vitae

Energetska elektronika
Impulsna i digitalna elektronika



Predrag Petrović, Full Professor
Power Electronics
Digital Electronics
Born in 1967, B.S. 1991 (B.S. in E.E.), M.S. 1994, Ph.D.2004.

                                                                                                                BASIC BIOGRAPHICAL DATA

Dr. Predrag Petrović was born on January 26, 1967, in Čačak, Serbia, where he completed his primary and secondary education. He graduated from the Čačak Gymnasium with a focus on natural sciences and mathematics. During his studies, he actively participated in numerous mathematics and physics competitions, earning several accolades, including the prestigious Alas and Tesla diplomas for outstanding achievements in national competitions.

In 1985, he enrolled at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. After completing his mandatory military service in 1986, he resumed his studies. Dr. Petrović graduated in June 1991 from the Department of Electronics with an impressive average grade of 9.00 (out of 10.00), achieving a perfect score of 10 (ten) on his graduation exam.

On October 1, 1991, he began his academic career as a trainee assistant at the Technical Faculty in Čačak, teaching Electronics and Industrial Electronics, where he continues to work to this day. Simultaneously, he pursued postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, specializing in Electronics. He earned his master’s degree on July 5, 1994, with a thesis titled "Implementation of Digital Data Encryptors", completing his studies with a flawless average grade of 10.00.

Dr. Petrović defended his doctoral dissertation at the Technical Faculty in Novi Sad on July 7, 2004, under the mentorship of Professor Vladimir Vujičić.

His academic advancements were marked by successive promotions. In March 1995, he was appointed as an assistant at the Technical Faculty in Čačak, and he was reappointed in March 1999 and 2003. He was elected assistant professor in January 2005, associate professor in September 2006, and full professor in March 2011, specializing in the field of Electronics.

Between 1995 and 1998, Dr. Petrović taught Power Converter Management. From 1999 onward, he taught Electronics II and Impulse and Digital Electronics. He also contributed to specialist studies and lectured at satellite centers in Požarevac and Belgrade. Over the years, he has mentored numerous students in the preparation of their diploma theses.

Dr. Petrović's contributions to science have been recognized with several prestigious awards. In 2002, he received the Ministry of Science, Development, and Technology award for the best young scientist. In 2006, alongside Professor Milorad Stevanović, he was honored by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Srpska for their outstanding scientific publication.

                                                                                                                   RESEARCH ACTIVITY

In his previous work, Dr. Predrag Petrović focused on real-time system management, microprocessor systems, digital signal processing, mathematics, and cryptology. In these fields, he has published over 150 research papers, presented at both international and domestic conferences, and featured in prominent journals in Serbia and abroad.

Dr. Petrović is the author and co-author of seven patents, three university textbooks, three supplementary university textbooks, four internationally recognized monographs, two monographs of national significance, and four course scripts for the subjects he teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

He has actively contributed to scientific advancement through participation in four projects funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia and one project supported by the European Union. Additionally, he is a proud member of MENSA.


                                                                                      LIST OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS


1. P. Petrovic, “Unique, Accsessible but Cheap Digital Data Encryptor”,  The Cientifica Journal of The National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, E.S.I.M.E., no.11, pp.39-43, September-October 1998, Mexico.

2.P. Petrovic, S. Marjanovic, M. Stevanovic, “A Digital Method for Power Frequency Measurement Using Synchronous Sampling”, IEE Proceedings, Electric Power Applications, vol.146, no.4, July 1999, pp.383-390.

3. P. Petrovic, S. Marjanovic, M. Stevanovic, “New Algorithm for Measuring 50/60 Hz AC Values Based on the Usage of Slow A/D Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.49, no.1, February 2000, pp.166-171.

4. P. Petrovic, S. Marjanovic, "Adaptive algorithm for distribution network electric values measurement", special issue of the international journal Electronics, published by Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, YU ISSN 1450-5843 (ISSN 0883-4989), pp.68-72, vol.4, no.1, November 2000.

5. P. Petrovic, S. Marjanovic, M. Stevanovic, "Measuring of Slowly Changing AC Signals Without Sample and Hold Circuit", IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 49, no. 6, December 2000, pp.1245-1248.

6. P. Petrovic, S. Marjanovic, M. Stevanovic, "A Reply on Comments on "Digital method for power frequency measurement using synchronous sampling", IEE Proceedings, Electric Power Applications, vol. 148, no. 2, March 2001, pp. 226-225.

7. P. Petrovic, "Simulation and Practical Realization of the New High Precise Digital Multimeter Based on Use of IADC", European Transactions of Power Electrical Engineering, vol. 14, no.1, January 2004, p.5-19.

8. P. Petrovic, “New Digital Multimeter for Accurate Measurement  of Synchronously Sampled AC Signals”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.53, no.3, June 2004, pp.716-725.

9. Radojko Simeunovic, Predrag Petrovic “Changes of Electromagnetic Properties of Cold Sintered Cobalt Powder During Temperature Releasing”, Russian Physics Journal , ISSN: 1064-887 (Paper) 1573-9228 (Online), vol. 48, no.2, February 2005, pp.117-121.

10. Рaдoжko Симeoнoвич, Прeдрaг Пeтрoвич, “Изменения электромагнитных свойств порошков кобальта, полученных методом низкотемпературного синтеза в зависмости от  температуры отжига”, ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВЫСШИХ УЧЕБНЫХ ЗАВЕДЕНИЙ, ФИЗИКА, no.2, pp. 11-15, (UDK 539.2), February 2005 (on russian).

11. Predrag Petrovic,  and Milorad Stevanovic , “A Reply on Comments on "New Algorithm for Measuring 50/60 HZ AC Values Based on the Usage of Slow A/D Converters” and “Measuring of Slowly Changing AC Signals Without Sample-and-Hold Circuit”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 55, no.5, October 2006, pp. 1859-1862.

12. P. Petrovic, and Milorad Stevanovic “Measuring of Active Power of Synchronously Sampled AC Signals in Presence of Interharmnoics and Subharmonics”, IEE Proceedings, Electric Power Applications, vol. 153, no. 2, March 2006, pp.227-235.

13. P. Petrovic, “Calculation of the Measurement Uncertainties of Synchronously Sampled AC Signals in the Case of Nonideal Synchronization with Fundamental Frequency” IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E89-C(11), November 2006, pp.1695-1699.

14.P.Petrovic and M. Stevanovic, “Digital Processing of Synchronously Sampled AC Signals in Presence of Interharmonics and Subharmonics”, IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.56, no.6, December 2007, pp.2584-2598.

15. P. Petrovic, “A New Matrix Method for Reconstruction on Band-limited Periodic Signals from the Sets of Integrated Values”, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol.E91-A, no.6, Jun 2008, pp.1446-1454.

16. P. Petrovic, „New method for processing of basic electric values”, Measurement, Science and Technology , IOP Publishing, 19 (2008) 115103 (9pp), doi:10.1088/0957-0233/19/11/115103.

17. P. Petrovic, “New method and circuit for processing of band-limited periodic signals“Signal Image and Video Processing, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11760-010-0173-9, ISSN: 1863-1703, Volume 6, Issue 1 (2012), Page 109-123.

18. P. Petrovic, M. Stevanovic, “Algorithm for Fourier Coefficient Estimation”, IET Signal Processing, Vol.5, Issue 2, ISSN: 1751-9675, str. 138-149, April 2011.

19. P. Petrovic, “Fourier coefficient estimation based on the differential values of the processed signal", IETE Jornal of Research Vol. 56, Issue 1, Jan.-Feb. 2010, pp. 30-43.-IETE-S K MITRA MEMORIAL AWARD for best research oriented paper for 2011.

20. P. Petrovic, ‘Определение размеров ошибки отсечения при асинхронном процессировании переменных сигналов в присутствии интергармоник и субгармоник”, Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, 2010.

21. P. Petrovic, “Calculation of the truncation errors in case of asynchronous sampling of ac signals in presence of interharmonics and subharmonics”, Measurement Techniques, Springer, (2011), vol. 53 br. 11, str. 1264-1271.

22. P. Petrovic, M. Stevanovic, ‘Новый метод определения амплитуды и фазы переменного сигнала”, Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika 2010.

23. P. Petrovic, M. Stevanovic, “The new method of alternating signal amplitude and phase determination” Measurement Techniques, Springer, Vol.53, No.8, 2010.

24. P. Petrovic, “Determination of the truncation errors in case of asynchronous processing of the ac signals in the presence of interharmonics and subharmonics” IEEJ Transaction on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 130, No. 8, Sec. A, August 2010.

25. P. Petrovic, “Modified formula for calculation of active power and RMS value of band-limited AC signals“, IET Science Measur.&Tech., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 510-518, 2012.                                                                                           

26. P. Petrovic, “AC Signals Estimation from Irregular Samples”, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 80, pp.1237-1245, ISSN: 2070-3724, August 2011, ISSN 2010-376X,

27. P. Petrovic, „Estimation of band-limited AC Signals from Irregular Samples” International Review on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), ISSN:2039-5086, vol.1, no.3, pp. 219-229, June 2011.

28. P. Petrovic, I. Zupunski, “A new time-domain method for calculation of basic electric values in public distribution networks”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, ISSN 0142-3312, Volume 35 Issue 3 May 2013 pp. 279 – 288.

29. P. Petrovic, “A New Method for Calculation of Active Power and RMS Value of AC signals”, International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS), ISSN 1974-9821, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-7, February 2012.

30. P. Petrovic, “New Method for Fourier Coefficient Estimation from Irregular Samples” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IJCEE, ISSN: 1793-8163, vol. 4, no.1, pp.47-54, February 2012, DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2012.V4.450.

31. P. Petrovic, “A New Precision Peak Detector/Full-Wave Rectifier” Journal of Signal and Information Processing (JSIP), vol. 4. no. 1, February 2013, pp. 72-81.

32. P. Petrovic, „Peak Detector/Rectifier Based on Usage of Dual-Output Current Conveyors“, Archives des Sciences, Vol. 66, No. 2, ISSS 1661-464X, pp. 381-397, February 2013.

33. P. Petrovic, “Новый метод для рассчета электрических значений в дистрибутивных сетях“,  Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika № 2 – 2013 г., pp. 51-57.

34. P. Petrovic, “A method of measuring the integral characteristics of a signal”, Measurement Techniques, May 2013, Volume 56, Issue 2, pp 185-194, Springer.

35. P. Petrovic, “Frequency and Parameter Estimation of Multi-sinusoidal Signal”, Measurement Science Review, ISSN 1335-8871, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 175-183, September 2012.

36. P. Petrovic, ‘ALGORITHM FOR SIMULTANEOUS PARAMETERS ESTIMATION OF MULTI-HARMONIC SIGNAL, Metrology&Measurement Sistems, ISSN 0860-8229, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 693-702, December 2012.

37. P. Petrovic, “RMS detector of multiharmonic signals”, ETRI Journal, vol.35, no.3, June 2013.

38. P. Petrovic, I. Zupunski, “RMS Detector of Periodic, Band-Limited Signals Based on Usage of DO-CCIIs”, Measurement, Elsevier, vol. 46, issue 9, pp. 3073-3083, 2013.

39. P. Pretrovic, “A simple algorithm for simultaneous sine signal parameters estimation”, Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 64, No. 3, 2013, 180–185.

40. P. Petrovic, “A New Peak Detector Based on Usage of second-generation current conveyors”,  Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, Springer, volume 59, issue 2, pp. 188-193, February 2014.

41. P. Petrovic, “Новый детектор амплитуды на основе использования токовых передатчиков второго поколения”, Рaдиотехника и электроника, том 59, номер 2, pp. 203-208, 2014.

42. P. Petrovic, ‘New procedure for estimation of amplitude and phase of analog multiharmonic signal based on the differential irregular samples’, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer,DOI:10.1007/s11265-014-0892-1, 2014.

43. P. Petrovic, “Algorithm for signal parameters estimation based on the differential samples”, WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, ID: 5714-209, 2014.

44. P. Petrovic, „A New Tunable Current-mode Peak Detector" Microelectronics Journal, vol. 45, no. 6, (June 2014), pp. 805-814, DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2014.02.019, 2014.

45. P. Petrovic, “Current-tunable current-mode RMS Detector”, Electrical Engineering, Springer, ISSN 0984-7921, Volume 97, Number 1, pp. 65-74, 2015.

46. P. Petrovic, "Tuneable Current Mode RMS Detector", Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 66, no.1, pp.11-18, 2015.

47. P. Petrovic, “Electronically Controllable Current-mode Circuit for Processing Effective Value of Signals”, MIDEM-Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 117-124, 2015.

48. P. Petrovic, „Realization of electronically controllable current mode full-wave rectifier“, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor&Fransis, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2015.1024178, Volume 61, Issue 5, 2015, pp. 517-525.

49. P. Petrovic, “A new high precise power detector of complex voltage signals”, Measurement Science Review, Volume 15, No. 4, pp. 184-195, 2015.

50. P. Petrovic, 'New CMOS current-mode analogue to digital power converter', Circuits, Systems&Signal Processing, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1361-1378, (2017), DOI: 10.1007/s00034-016-0372-x.

51. P. Petrovic, N. Damljanovic, "New Procedure for Harmonics Estimation Based on Hilbert Transformation" Electrical Engineering, Volume 99, No. 1, pp. 313-323, (2017), DOI: 10.1007/s00202-016-0434-x.

52. P. Petrovic, "Voltage Mode Electronically Tunable Full-wave Rectifier", MIDEM-Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, Vol. 46, No. 4 (2016), pp. 229 – 237.

53. P. Petrovic, M. Veskovic, "Bipolar current controlled rectifier circuits" Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, volume 62, issue 4, 2017.

54. P. Petrovic, "Variable mode CMOS full-wave rectifier", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, Volume 90, No. 1, pp. 659-668, (2017), DOI: 10.1007/s10470-017-0923-5.

55. Predrag B. Petrovic, Milan Veskovic, Slobodan Dukic, "Voltage mode electronically tunable full-wave rectifier", Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol 68 (2017), No1, pp. 61–67.

56. M. Stevanovic, P. Petrovic, M. M. Stevanovic, "Radii of circles in Apollonius’ problem", Forum Geometricum, ISSN 1534-1178, Volume 17 (2017) 359–372.

57. M. Stevanovic, P. Petrovic, "The Euler-Riemann zeta function in some series formulae and its values at odd integer points", Journal of Number Theory,180 (2017), 769-786,

58. P. B. Petrovic, Dimitrije Rozgic, "Computational Effective Modified Newton-Raphson Algorithm for Power Harmonics Parameters Estimation", IET Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2017.0573 , Online ISSN 1751-9683 Available online: 16 January 2018.

59. V. Mijailovic, D. Cetenovic, A. Rankovic, P. Petrovic, V. Rozgic, "Faults Analysis in Active Distribution Network  Using Symmetrical Components in Time Domain", Electrical Engineering, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-018-0689-5.

60. P. B. Petrovic,"Floating incremental/decremental flux-controlled memristor emulator circuit based on single VDTA", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springe , DOI: 10.1007/s10470-018-1177-6.

61. P. B. Petrovic, V. B. Pavlovic, B. Vlahovic, V. Mijailovic, "A high-sensitive current-mode pressure/force detector based on piezoelectric polymer PVDF", Sensors and Actuators: A, 276 (2018) 165–175, DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2018.04.014.

62. P. B. Petrovic, N. Damljanovic, "Dynamic Phasors Estimation Based on Taylor-Fourier Expansion and Gram Matrix Representation", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 7613814, 17 pages,

63. P. B. Petrovic, Tuneable flux-controlled floating memristor emulator circuits, IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 479-486, 2019, DOI:  10.1049/iet-cds.2018.5475

64. Nina Obradovic, Mihajlo Gigov, Aleksandar Ðordevic, Frank Kern, Svetlana Dmitrovic, Branko Matovic, Antonije Ðordevic, Ani Tshantshapanyan, Branislav Vlahovic, Predrag Petrovic, Vladimir Pavlovic, Shungite – a carbon-mineral rock material: Its sinterability and possible applications, Processing and Application of Ceramics 13 (1) (2019) 89–97, DOI:10.2298/PAC1901089O

65. Vera P. Pavlović, Jelena D. Vujančević, Pavle Mašković, Jovana Ćirković, Jelena M. Papan, Darko Kosanović, Miroslav D. Dramićanin, Predrag B. Petrović, Branislav Vlahović, Vladimir B. Pavlović, “Structure and Enhanced Antimicrobial Activity of Mechanically Activated Nano TiO2”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,

66. P. B. Petrovic, Current/voltage mode full-wave rectifier based on a single CCCII, Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2020;1–14.

67. P. B. Petrovic, Simple CMOS square wave generator with variable mode output, accepted for MIDEM-Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, Manuscript ID: 804.

68. P. B. Petrovic, New current-mode RMS-to-DC converters and four-quadrant multiplier/divider based on VDTA, IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, doi: 10.1049/iet-cds.2019.0373

69. P. Petrovic, M V. Nikolic, M. Tatovic, “New electronic interface circuits for humidity measurement based on the current processing technique”, Measurement Science Review, 21, (2021), Nо. 1, pp. 1-10.

70. P.B.Petrovic, New floating/grounded FDNC and non-ideal grounded FDNR simulators based on VDTA, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, (2021).

71. P.B.Petrovic, Simple flux-controlled grounded memristor emulator circuits based on current follower, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, (2021). DOI :10.1007/s10470-021-01847-6.

72. P. Petrović, NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATION OF MULTI-HARMONIC POWER SIGNAL PARAMETERS, Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 2021, vol. 25, br. 4, str. 131-138, DOI: 10.5937/jpea25-35058.

73. P.B.Petrovic, A new electronically controlled floating/grounded meminductor emulator based on single MO-VDTA, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1007/s10470-021-01946-4.

74. P.B.Petrovic, Variable Mode Full-wave Rectifier Based on MVDTA, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Article ID: CDS212106, doi: 10.1049/cds2.12106.

75. Petrovic, P.B. Electronically Adjustable Grounded Memcapacitor Emulator Based on Single Active Component with Variable Switching Mechanism. Electronics 2022, 11, 161. electronics11010161

76. D. Rozgić. P.B.Petrović, New modified DFT-Prony based algorithms for removal of decaying DC component from fundamental phasor estimates, Electrical Engineering, doi: 10.1007/s00202-022-01548-x.

77. P.B.Petrovic, Charge-controlled grounded memristor emulator circuits based on Arbel-Goldminz cell with variable switching behavior, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, doi: 10.1007/s10470-022-02042-x

78. Petrovic, P.B. Single VDTA based lossless and lossy electronically tunable positive and negative grounded capacitance multipliers, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-022-02094-4.

79. Petrovic, P.B., "Mutually coupled circuits based on modified voltage differencing transconductance amplifier with tuneable characteristics" Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2022, DOI: 10.1002/cta.3383.

80. D. Rozgić. P.B.Petrović, New procedure for estimation of power fundamental phasor parameters in presence of decaying DC components, WSEAS Transaction on Power Systems, Volume 17, 2022, Art. #29, p.280-296, DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.29

81. Petrovic, P.B., "A Universal Electronically Controllable Memelement Emulator Based on VDCC with Variable Configuration" Electronics 2022, Special Issue Feature Papers in Circuit and Signal Processing, Volume 11, Issue 23, 3957.

82. Petrovic, P.B., “A current mode OTA-only half/full-wave rectifier”, Electronics Letters, Article ID: ELL212844, Article DOI: 10.1049/ell2.12844, Jun 2023.

83. Petrovic PB. Current and transconductance mode full/half-wave rectifiers realizedwith only one active block.Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2023;1‐18. doi:10.1002/cta.3742

84. Mijailovic V., Klimenta D., Rankovic A., Petrovic P.B., MIlovanovic M., “Calculation of three-phase bolted short-circuit currents in a MV distribution feeder with induction and synchronous generators”, Electrial Engineering, (2023).

85. Tatović, Mihajlo and Petrović, Predrag B.. "Realization of a memcapacitance emulator utilizing a singular current-mode active block" Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol.74, no.5, 2023, pp.390-402.

86. Tatović, Mihajlo and Petrović, Predrag B.. “Single Active Block-Based Emulators for Electronically Controllable Floating Meminductors and Memcapacitors”, Radioengineering, vol. 32, no. 4, 2023, pp. 568-582.