Stefan Čubonović

Stefan Čubonović
Teaching Assistant
Department of Power Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak1

University of Kragujevac

65, Svetog Save St.

32102 Čačak

Phone:  +381 032/302-712

Fax: +381 032/342-101

Office No: 233

CV Curriculum Vitae

Engaged in the following subjects:

Power Transformers

High-voltage Substations DC and Asynchronous Machines

Synchronous Machines

Distribution and Industrial Networks

High-voltage Substations

Electrical Drives (2020 - 2022)

Computer Aided Design in Power Engineering

Power System Exploitation

Chronology of academic development:

Synchrophasor devices (Phasor Measurement Units - PMU) (graduate thesis) - 2020

Development and implementation of a PMU for a low-voltage distribution network (master's thesis) - 2022

Construction and programming of the platform for spatial imaging with sensors - TIE 2022

Development of the graphical environment of the system for monitoring the dynamics of the distribution system - INFOTEH 2023

Comparative analysis of magnetic field calculation methods near overhead power line - CIGRE 2023

Impact of the Non-Gaussian Measurement Noise on the Performance of State-of-the-Art State Estimators for Distribution Systems - SJEE 2024

State Estimation of distribution networks in the presence of non-Gaussian measurement noise - ETRAN 2024